How to Make a Profitable Permaculture Farm

Can Permaculture be Profitable?

Yes, Permaculture can be a very profitable venture. it depends on a number of factors, including the specific context in which the permaculture system is being implemented, the resources and skills available to the farmer, and the markets for the products or services being produced.

A permaculture farm that is well-designed and managed can potentially be financially successful by producing high-quality, in-demand crops and by incorporating value-adding activities such as processing and direct sales to consumers.

It will take time

It may take time and effort to establish a permaculture system and to build a customer base, and there may be upfront costs associated with setting up the system, such as purchasing land, equipment, and materials that impact the time to profitability.

small Permaculture garden
Local Food Initiative

This farming approach aims to replicate the relationships in nature that have evolved over millions of years. It will therefore take a while for an ecosystem to develop and for the relationships between plants, animals, and your environment to take shape.

The success of permaculture will depend on how well you understand the ecological niche of certain plants and animals, your microclimate as well as your farming skills. 

Grow your business and marketing skills

Making a profit from permaculture is determined by your marketing skills. Once your farm begins producing a yield, you will need to establish a network of buyers and consumers who are interested in your product.

Find your market

You have to ensure that you have people who will come back to buy your products, and also bring others to your farm. Further, availability and reliability will determine your profitability from permaculture.

organic farmer's market
Alexandre Delbos/Flickr

If you are selling your products at the local market, make sure that buyers will find you easily and regularly. You can begin by establishing a stand to sell fresh vegetables or fruits in small quantities. 

Target consumers from your local communities who are interested in farm products for daily consumption as compared to selling to big supermarket chains. This depends on the size of your farm and yield.

You can diversify your market by establishing a small food store that caters to the daily dietary needs of the local community and selling fruits in large quantities to a big supermarket in your area.

This means that to realize profits from permaculture, you have to develop a basic knowledge of how to run a business, acquire customers and balance input and output from your farm.

Perennials and exotic plants

Perennial plants take time to produce any significant yields but prove profitable once they are established. Selling exotic plants grown organically without any chemicals can be a good marketing platform for your permaculture farm.

Cabbage in permaculture garden

Your marketing plan can include encouraging people to turn to organically grown produce for environmental as well as nutritional benefits. Building a client base and putting your product to market is an important way of acquiring customers. 

It is possible to achieve intensive production on a small piece of land with manual techniques and generate sufficient profit for a farmer. The sale of products for various seasons can lead to a valuable income from a permaculture enterprise.

Identify the dietary needs of the local community and focus on selling the products with the highest demand in the market. You can also provide a viable alternative to certain popular foods in the community. You can add value to your produce from permaculture, for example, by making fruit juices, free-range eggs, olive oil, and meat cuts. 

How to make a profitable permaculture farm

Success in permaculture farming is a factor of land design, availability of funds, and market for your product. The 12 principles of permaculture are part and parcel of your roadway to profitability. To create a profitable permaculture farm, there are a few key steps you can follow:

Design your permaculture farm

Before you start planting or building, it’s important to have a detailed design plan that takes into account the specific characteristics of your site, including the climate, topography, soil type, water availability, and other natural resources. A permaculture design should also consider the needs of the people who will be using the land, as well as the local market for the products you plan to grow or raise.

Permaculture farm design
Leigh Blackall/Flickr

Assess the resources you have available, locate the necessary components to develop the farm, decide on your priorities and identify the critical systems such as water, buildings, and labor. Such infrastructure is crucial in the initial stages. It is important to plan for labor, farm outline, water supply, plant nurseries, and access ways. Your decision-making is vital in this stage as it sets the foundation for years of productivity and profitability from the farm. 

Study your target market

Identify the needs of your customers, build lasting relationships and keep the demand for your products high. You have to be competitive in marketing your products in order to gain high returns.

Know how to sell your product, its price in the market, and the margins you need to make profits. Essentially, you will have to balance income and expenses and run your farm like a business. Hire an expert to assist in managing the financial aspects of your enterprise if it is viable for you.

Alternatively, take your time to assess the value of your products, the nature of the market, and the expected financial outcomes. This way you can assign competitive prices to your goods, target the right customers and achieve reasonable returns from your permaculture garden. 

Choose your plants and animals

From what you’ve gathered from both your market, climate and soil study, Identify the type of plants you need, the number of plants that will fit into your available land, and the dietary needs of the local community.

permaculture vegetable garden
Martin Malec/Flickr

List a mix of annuals and perennials to ensure a diversity of yield. The annual plants produce faster, therefore can be harvested and sold within a year. The three sisters are a good place to start. Also, consider raising animals for a quick return on investment. A few chickens are a great start. While your permaculture farm establishes, animals can offer valuable products that will help sustain you in the short term. 

Identify ways to cut cost

Find a way to reduce your expenses. Permaculture is expensive in the initial phases and therefore you will have to downsize your lifestyle. Minimize spending on unnecessary things, and buy cheap equipment and utilities.

Cheap housing is also a necessity. It is important to have an alternative source of income at this time because it will take a while for permaculture to begin providing a sensible income. Accumulate savings before starting out on permaculture and have a cushion to fall back on in the initial steps.

Buy, build, and plant

Planting permaculture vegetable garden
Image by PierreGilbert /Pixabay

You can’t plan forever, eventually, you’ve got to bring out the tools. Time to start the groundwork. A popular plan in the permaculture community is to follow W.A.S.P.A. This is an acronym stands for Water, Access, Structures, Plants and Animals. This helps you, in that order, to prioritize what you need to do. Whilst referencing your farm design follow these steps:

  1. Find your water source, be it a well, spring or stream. Get your pump if necessary, build your dams, swales and install storage tanks if necessary.
  2. Build paths and roads to make sure you’ll be able to access every part of your property.
  3. Build your house, chicken coops, barns and fences. You don’t have to do these all at once, just whatever you need to get started.
  4. Clear weeds, harrow, and plant your seeds. Follow this with mulching and remember to water your plants appropriately. Prepare to deal with pests and diseases organically.
  5. Get your animals. Start small, especially if you are new to caring for animals. Livestock can be very sensitive, especially on a new farm. Things could change very quickly. Dealing with the death of animals is a part of every farmer’s life, but it’s best to ease into keeping animals. Get chicken and maybe a duck or two. Ducks are great at dealing with snail infestations.
  6. Utilize natural resources efficiently. Permaculture farms aim to use natural resources efficiently and minimize waste. This includes using techniques like water catchment and storage systems, composting, and mulching to conserve resources and build soil health.

Save on water

Dig a well on your property to get enough water for the plants, animals and people living off the farm. If you have a significantly large farm you can establish a pond or use water from rivers and streams in your location.

Harvest rainwater to boost your water supply. Reusing water allows you to better manage your available resources. Essentially, you should look to avoid wasting the water in your farm.

Dishwater and bathwater can be used for irrigation or cleaning animal houses. Water storage is good to get you through the dry months. 

Produce your own energy

A self-sustaining farm should not depend on the outside power grid to cater to its energy needs. Solar panels and wind turbines can help increase the energy production in your farm. If you have over 50 acres, set up a small wind farm or solar panels to utilize renewable energy.

12 principles of permacutlure

Alternatively, use biogas for a smaller farm. In a few years after setting up your farm, you will be able to establish a fully off-grid system with the right equipment and resources at your disposal. In addition, you can practice energy-saving techniques to reduce the energy input in your farm. 

Collaborate with other farmers

Visit other farms and permaculture practitioners to gain first-hand experience on common mistakes and the best designs for a successful process. It is important to have a reference point for what you are doing, especially if it is your first time trying out permaculture.

You can also read books and engage with experts on how best to design your farm for optimum productivity. Innovation is a key driver of success in permaculture. Therefore, you have to differentiate yourself from other farmers and offer certain unique services and products that will leave you better placed to make more money. 

Diversify your product

Diversification and consistent production are sure ways to make profits in permaculture. Grow primary crops together with fruit trees and keep livestock. In one acre of land, you can grow a fruit tree orchard, plant grass on which the animals can graze, and raise free-range chickens. Imagine what you can do with 5 acres!

Diverse permaculture farm
Photo by Tom Fisk

Your permaculture enterprise should have a diverse range of products for anyone who visits. It is difficult to determine which year will provide a good harvest, especially with unpredictable weather patterns.

Therefore, you must ensure that at all times your farm is productive. There can be years with low fruit tree yield, others with little vegetable products, and somewhere livestock are unreliable. Therefore, invest in different ventures to complement each other and maintain a sustainable income. 

A permaculture farm can divide its income between the sale of produce, farm tours, and educational workshops. The gardener has to determine the most profitable ventures and invest more in them.

If tours and educational workshops give the highest returns, you have to develop a reasonable internet and social media presence to market your farm. On the other hand, if farm products offer the biggest profits, focus more on establishing a client base and delivering them to market on time. 

How does permaculture make money?

Selling produce

Like any farmer, you’ll earn money from selling your harvest. That’s your crops, eggs, milk, meat, hay and even manure. You can find a local market, sell directly at your farm, or online on social media platforms.

Educational tours 

Offer educational and scientific tours of your permaculture garden. If you are a successful permaculture farmer, you can invite schools, scientists, and any other interested people to learn about your techniques and application of principles.

teaching permaculture
Permaculture Association/Flickr

Charge a reasonable fee for courses, workshops, and specific training on permaculture. In addition, you can market your farm to Eco tourists who will visit and get to enjoy the biodiversity and reconnect with nature.

You can build structures in your permaculture farm where people can vacation or hold retreats. However, this will work only when you have a large farm. 


In a smaller permaculture garden, you can make money through nurseries. Nurture seeds, and cuttings until they develop into healthy seedlings. Sell these seedlings to neighboring farmers.

You can sell the seedlings locally or establish a website where anyone can purchase them regardless of their location. Nurseries are labor intensive but can be very lucrative if well-designed and maintained. 


The road to success in permaculture can be full of learning experiences and setbacks. It is not easy to make profits from permaculture. A farmer has to be patient and possess the right skills to balance input and output. Permaculture designs play a major factor in determining long-term profitability. Therefore, take time to plan, and assess the pitfalls, opportunities, and strengths of your venture before establishing a permaculture farm. This way you can achieve sustainable profitability.