20 Easy-to-grow Perennial Vegetables and Fruits

Fig tree (Ficus carica)

These 20 perennials are easy to grow and will provide you with food for many years after you plant them: Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Asparagus is a perennial vegetable adapted to USDA zones 3-10. It grows slowly and matures in 3-5 years. Harvesting is done in the spring.  Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) … Read more

Perennial Foods: How to Grow and Maintain Them!

Improved Green Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)

A perennial is a plant that survives the annual four season cycle and produces food year on year. In comparison, annual plants complete their growing cycle in a single season and biennials require two growing seasons to mature before dying out. Perennial foods are hardy plants that will remain in … Read more

11 Drought-Tolerant Edible Perennials for Your Garden

Red-leaf Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor)

Drought-tolerant plants are resilient for long periods without rain. There are several plants adapted to thrive in hot and dry climates and will serve as a consistent source of food even during tough conditions. The time of planting these perennials is significant to their long-term survival. It is best to … Read more

13 Perennial Vegetables to Grow in Cold Climates

Jerusalem Artichokes/Sunchokes (Helianthus tuberosus)

Perennial vegetables are a good addition to food forests or your home vegetable garden. If you live in a cold climatic region like zones 1-7, there are a variety of vegetables you can grow to sustain your family through the harsh winters. It is best to plant vegetables adapted to … Read more

Perennial Vegetables and Herbs to Grow in Each Hardiness Zone

mountains and ocean

The USDA developed a map that defined different growing or gardening zones dividing the US into regions based on the average low winter temperatures. USDA Hardiness zones consist of 13 individual zones that define average minimum temperatures using data from different weather stations across the country. The USDA Hardiness Map … Read more

How to Clean Up a Perennial Garden

How to Clean Up a Perennial Garden

Clean up of perennials can be done at any time. However, due to tough weather in the winter, it’s best to do it either in the fall or spring. You can clean up your perennial garden or food forest in a number of ways depending on the plants you have … Read more