9 Successful Food Forests to Inspire You!

masanobu fukuoka's farm

Food forests incorporate diverse ecosystems that resemble natural forests. They are an alternative to industrial food production techniques through the creation of access to healthy and sustainable nutrition. Food forestry is not very popular among farmers and gardeners, so it might be hard to find so good examples in your … Read more

15 Best Foods to Grow in a Food Forest

Raspberries (Rubus idaeus)

Food forests are designed to mimic natural forests. You can grow different types of crops that mature at different times of the year. It is important to grow crops that mutually benefit from each other in terms of nutrients and pest and weed protection. You can incorporate a food forest … Read more

How to Design Your Backyard Food Forest


Food forests aim to utilize all potential growing space available to a farmer. They incorporate several vertical layers that allow efficient utilization of space. An appropriately designed system will not only produce enough food for yourself but also for your community. When designing a food forest, it is best to … Read more

How to Grow a Food Forest in Your Backyard

cost of food forest

It is relatively easy to set up a food forest in your backyard if you have a comprehensive plan and are patient enough to wait for it to fully establish. Food forests do not require synthetic chemical inputs and therefore pose no risk to your home environment. In addition, they … Read more

How Much Land Do You Need for a Food Forest?

food forest land

You need at least 1/10th of an acre to grow a food forest to feed your family. You can also grow a food forest on a 100-acre farm or more. There is no upper limit on how much land you need for a food forest, which makes it possible to … Read more

How Much Does It Cost To Grow a Food Forest?

cost of food forest

If you have 1 acre of land it will cost anywhere between $5000- $10,000 to set up your food forest in five years. This includes the cost of materials, water, and the purchase of plant seedlings. If you do not own land, you have to spend a significant amount on … Read more

The Main Benefits of a Food Forest


The benefits of a food forest stem from its 3 main characteristics: A food forest mainly grows perennials, fills all plant niches, and takes full advantage of vertical space.  Here are the main benefits of growing a food forest: Biodiversity and Resilience Food forests are diverse as they allow the … Read more

What Is a Food Forest? How It Works

food forest

A food forest is a garden plan that mimics the ecosystem and growth patterns of a natural forest as a means toward organic, sustainable and profitable food production. This can involve leveraging an existing forest to gradually integrate edible plants, and increase the biodiversity and sustainability of food production systems. … Read more

How to Grow a Profitable Food Forest

profitable food forest

Food forests have existed in the world for thousands of years, but have yet to be fully adopted as a profitable and effective farming model. This is mostly due to the fact that existing food forests are oriented towards long-term benefits, while mainstream farming practices are geared towards short-term profitability. … Read more