7 Permaculture Courses You Can Take Online

Navigating the vast world of online courses and books can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to something as fast-evolving as permaculture. As an ecological design system, permaculture aims to build sustainable habitats in sync with nature. But how does one wade through the plethora of resources available to find the most impactful courses? Look no further.

In this article, I’ve carefully curated a list of nine online courses and resources that stand out in the realm of permaculture. Our selection criteria hinged on the depth of content, the expertise of instructors, user accessibility, and overall relevance to both novices and experienced permaculture enthusiasts.

Here’s a quick list of 10 online permaculture courses for you:

  1. Introduction to permaculture: This is a self-directed or teacher-led course offered by Aberstwyth University
  2. Growing Food in Small Spaces: This is another course by the Permaculture Association
  3. Permaculture for Beginners: a Free Whole-Systems Design Course
  4. Basics of Permaculture Design: This is a simple and practical course by Brian Newhouse
  5. Permaculture Made Easy! A Design Course for Sustainability!: This is an inspiring and creative course by Deva Presence
  6. The Odd Gumnut’s Guide to Radical Self-Reliance: This is an empowering and fun course by Laura Christie Khanna
  7. Intro to Permaculture: This is a short and informative course by Thomas Clasquin

Read on for reviews of the above listed courses.

1. Introduction to permaculture by Aberstwyth University

This self-paced course offers a comprehensive introduction to permaculture. It succinctly covers ethics, principles, and design methodologies. With a blend of videos, podcasts, articles, and books, learners gain a well-rounded understanding.

The course ensures engagement through quizzes, assignments, and interactive forums. It not only introduces core concepts but also guides on their real-world application – from understanding nature’s interplay to crafting resilient systems.

It extends its relevance beyond gardening, encompassing areas like water harvesting, renewable energy, and social justice. Suitable for novices and experts alike, this course offers flexibility in learning. Offered by Aberstwyth University, it provides both credibility and affordability.


Cost: £55 (Aberystwyth University staff and students FREE)

2. Growing Food in Small Spaces: by the Permaculture Association

Dive into the world of urban gardening with this course tailored for limited spaces. Using permaculture principles, it covers key topics like soil health, composting, seed selection, container and vertical gardening.

A rich assortment of videos, podcasts, and articles makes learning versatile and engaging. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned gardener looking to upscale skills, this course caters to all.

It provides the flexibility of self-directed learning or a guided approach under a mentor. Presented by the esteemed Permaculture Community Hub, it guarantees quality education at an affordable price.


Cost: £35 GBP

3. Permaculture for Beginners: a Free Whole-Systems Design Course

Artwork by Jackie Holmstrom, as visioned by Heather Jo Flores for her book Food Not Lawns
Artwork by Jackie Holmstrom. Source

This course dives deep into the transformative power of permaculture. Participants will learn to:

  • Connect profoundly with nature and align with environmental principles.
  • Read landscapes, recognizing patterns and maximizing resource utilization.
  • Apply permaculture’s holistic principles to everyday problem-solving, both domestically and in the community.
  • Engage with a community of passionate individuals on a private forum.

The course offers a comprehensive blend of videos, articles, graphics, and hands-on advice. The best part? It’s self-paced, and you keep access forever. It also serves as the foundation for a Permaculture Design Certificate program.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Permaculture: Foundational principles to kickstart your eco-journey.
  • Thinking Like an Ecosystem: Absorb nature’s wisdom to make informed design decisions.
  • Purposeful Design: Create efficient spaces that are visually appealing.
  • Site Selection Strategy: Make educated decisions about your green projects.
  • Observation Skills: Connect deeper with your surroundings and uncover hidden potential.
  • Human-Nature Dynamics: Understand how humans, patterns, and places interrelate.
  • S.I.T.E.S. Assessment: A tangible tool to understand landscapes and steer design choices.
  • Permaculture Design Process: A step-by-step guide to actualize eco-friendly plans.

The course, led by Heather Jo Flores author of Food not Lawns, has impacted over 12,000 participants. They praise its eye-opening content, holistic approach, and the strong sense of community it fosters. As a holistic introduction to sustainable living, it’s a course that not only educates but also inspires.


Cost: Free!

4. Basics of Permaculture Design: by Brian Newhouse

Seeking a straightforward yet comprehensive entry into the world of Permaculture? This course, helmed by Brian Newhouse, offers a hands-on guide to the foundational elements of sustainable living. Drawing inspiration from his book “The Permaville Handbook: Strategies of Permaculture Design”, Newhouse unravels topics like ethics, design methodologies, patterns in nature, urban Permaculture, and much more across eight structured modules.

Find more books on permaculture.

Each module is equipped with a video session led by Newhouse himself, accompanied by PDF notes, quizzes, assignments, and a range of auxiliary resources. Housed on the Udemy platform, this course not only promises flexibility in learning but also fosters a thriving community of learners.

Engage in enriching discussions, share insights, or even exhibit your Permaculture projects. Live webinars with seasoned instructors add another layer of depth, enabling learners to glean from their vast experiences.


Cost: $44.99

5. Permaculture Made Easy! A Design Course for Sustainability!: by Deva Presence

If you want to learn about permaculture in a simple way, this course is a good start. Permaculture is a special way to design systems that work well with nature. In this course, you’ll learn the main ideas and rules of permaculture. You’ll also see real examples of gardens, farms, and city projects that use permaculture.

deva presence. Lifestyle
Home Improvement & Gardening
Permaculture Made Easy! A Design Course for Sustainability!

Deva Presence teaches this course. There are also special talks from famous people like Starhawk and Rosemary Morrow. The course is fun and gets you excited about the topic. It’s perfect for people who want to understand permaculture and use it to make their places and communities better. The course doesn’t go deep into certain techniques or weather types. Instead, it talks about how people and nature can work together in permaculture and offers practical advice.


Cost: $44.99

6. The Odd Gumnut’s Guide to Radical Self-Reliance: by Laura Christie Khanna

Seeking a life that’s more eco-friendly, rewarding, and healthier? Look no further than “The Odd Gumnut’s Guide to Radical Self-Reliance.” This comprehensive course touches on a broad spectrum of topics — from the fundamentals of permaculture and organic cultivation to crafting DIY personal and household products. Ever wondered about cultivating your food, crafting soap from scratch, fermenting vegetables, or adopting eco-friendly waste management? Laura Christie Khanna provides the answers with expertise.

Laura, an accomplished permaculture expert, leads the course with passion. She elucidates concepts in an engaging, clear manner, complemented by real-world examples, hands-on demonstrations, and additional resources for deeper exploration.

This course, accessible on Udemy, is tailored for those eager to embrace a lifestyle that’s sustainable and rejuvenating. There’s no prerequisite; just an enthusiasm to learn and adapt. Subscribers get the added advantage of lifetime access, inclusive of future content revisions.


Cost: $24.99

7. Basics of Permaculture: by Thomas Clasquin

Basics of Permaculture” by Thomas Clasquin offers budding permaculture enthusiasts a comprehensive starting point. Spanning eight well-defined topics, the course delves into the core principles and techniques of permaculture, striking a balance between theory and application. Clasquin provides his audience with actionable steps to establish a self-regulating natural system, making the transition from traditional to sustainable gardening techniques seamless.

Basics of Permaculture: by Thomas Clasquin

One of the standout features of this course is its structure. Clasquin has meticulously organized the content into three progressive sections, ensuring that learners have a solid foundation before delving into more advanced topics. This well-thought-out approach enhances the learning experience and ensures that students can follow along without feeling overwhelmed.


Cost: $9.99

Final word

We’ve walked through 7 best online permaculture courses, each bringing its own perspective on creating sustainable living spaces. Gardening is an important activity for many. These courses highlight the vast possibilities of working in harmony with nature, from designing eco-friendly gardens to leading a zero-waste life.

Taking a permaculture course online offers flexibility. You can learn at your own pace, re-watch lessons, and connect with a global community passionate about sustainable living. Remember, every course has its unique style, so choose one that resonates with your goals and learning style. Whether you’re just starting or looking to deepen your knowledge, online learning provides a wealth of information right at your fingertips. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and let permaculture principles guide you towards a more harmonious and sustainable future. Happy learning!


  1. Introduction to permaculture: This is a self-directed or teacher-led course offered by Aberstwyth University
  2. Growing Food in Small Spaces: This is another course by the Permaculture Association
  3. Permaculture for Beginners: a Free Whole-Systems Design Course
  4. Basics of Permaculture Design: This is a simple and practical course by Brian Newhouse
  5. Permaculture Made Easy! A Design Course for Sustainability!: This is an inspiring and creative course by Deva Presence
  6. The Odd Gumnut’s Guide to Radical Self-Reliance: This is an empowering and fun course by Laura Christie Khanna
  7. Intro to Permaculture: This is a short and informative course by Thomas Clasquin