When Do Wildflowers Bloom?

Annual wildflowers begin to bloom 2-3 months after they sprout. Perennials will establish foliage in the first season and then bloom in their second season. The type of wildflower species you plant is a major determinant of when they will bloom. 


They are easy to grow wildflowers as long as they are exposed to the correct amount of sunlight and are watered under the right conditions. They flower quickly after sowing and will have an immediate impact on your garden.

They begin flowering from April, onwards. Annual wildflower examples include Poppy, Cornflower, Corn Chamomile and Corncockle. 

Cornflowers. Image by Foshie


They take longer to bloom, typically in the second year after planting. Once you plant biennial wildflowers, they will die and self-seed to grow new plants in the following year. Biennial wildflower examples: Foxglove, Garlic Mustard and Vipers Bugloss. 

Foxglove flowers. Photo by Smabs Sputzer


They will bloom in their second year after planting. Perennials will take the first year to establish a good root system that will support them for many years.

However, you can sow perennials towards the end of the sowing period, from August to October and they can establish earlier and bloom during the first summer after planting. Examples of native perennials are Betony, Oxeye Daisy and Red Campion.

Red campion
Red Campion. Photo by James Kellam.

How long do wildflowers stay in bloom?

Many wildflowers stay in bloom for around 2-3 months, mainly through the summer months. Annuals bloom for about 2 months before dying with the first frost.

Perennials bloom for around 2 weeks each year, but due to their winter hardiness, they will produce flowers each year. Biennials bloom during their second season, but their flowers die at the first frost just like annuals. 

How to keep your wildflowers in bloom for longer

You can extend the bloom of your wildflowers by keeping them adequately watered during the summer months. If you live in a particularly dry area, you have to water regularly to ensure they keep their bloom.

humming bird feeding on wild flowers

Drought can quickly shut down a beautiful bloom. Also, you can cut back your annuals before they turn into seed pods, before the end of the flowering period. This encourages new blooms and prolongs the flowering period of the wildflowers. 

Do wildflowers bloom all summer?

In most areas, wildflowers will bloom throughout the summer and then die out during the first frost. Annuals specifically maintain vibrant flowers in the summer, which then fade, dry and then drop seeds to the ground. Wildflowers will maintain their bloom if they are provided with the right conditions of sunlight, warmth and moisture. 

Sow your wildflower seeds in April or May to ensure they bloom right at the beginning of summer. You might want to dehead annuals to regulate their spread and to allow for the development of new buds.

Wildflowers that are vulnerable to winter conditions should be planted between March and May so they can bloom in time for summer. Winter hardy varieties should be planted between September and November or before the first frost.

They will remain in the ground during winter and then grow aggressively during spring and produce timely blooms. Perennials will not need regular pruning as they bloom for a shorter period of time. To keep a bloom in your wildflower garden all summer, sow a diverse mix of plants that will produce flowers at different times. This keeps your wildflower vibrant and attracts pollinators and birds. 

How many times will wildflowers bloom in a year?

Wildflowers bloom once a year during spring and summer. Annuals bloom a few weeks after planting and provide bright flowers in the first season. They can bloom again if you cut back the flowers before they die to allow the development of new blooms.

Perennials bloom once, but for a shorter period compared to annuals. They bloom during the summer, die during winter and return to produce more colorful flowers in the second year. 

How long do wildflowers take to bloom from planting?

Wildflowers will begin to bloom around 6-12 weeks after planting. If you planted during the May season, you should start seeing your blooms in early June or July. Ideally, you should plant a wildflower mixture comprising annuals and perennials to allow timely blooms.

Annual varieties will go from seedlings to full bloom within 3 months. They will grow quickly and thus provide the first bright colors in your garden. In ideal conditions, they will bloom in 6-8 weeks. Perennials will bloom during their second year as they take the first year to build their root systems. They are longer lasting than annuals, but you will have to wait for their blooms longer. 


Early spring is the best time to plant your wildflowers to ensure they bloom throughout the summer. Hot and dry conditions will impact the germination of your plant and they may take longer to bloom or not produce any flowers at all.

If you plant during the fall you will wait longer to get your blooms. Ideally, plant a mixture of annuals and perennials to keep your garden blooming throughout the summer.