Is Permaculture Expensive?

Permaculture can be a relatively expensive venture. The inputs of permaculture in the design and establishment phase are high. It is costly for farmers to transition from conventional techniques and adopt the processes and infrastructure required to live a sustainable lifestyle in permaculture. However, in the long-term, it is cheaper … Read more

Is Permaculture Better than Conventional Agriculture?

tractor ploughing conventional agriculture farm

Permaculture is better than conventional agriculture as it’s guided by principles of self-sufficiency, eco-friendliness and sustainability as it mimics natural systems. Permaculture farmers practice biomimicry, by adopting systems that are designed to allow nature to do the majority of the work. Essentially, permaculture aims to preserve the environment, while supporting … Read more

Resilience in Permaculture

Diverse permaculture farm

Resilience in permaculture refers to the ability of your system to produce consistent yield, even under adverse environmental conditions. Once you design your permaculture farm, it should be able to withstand pressure from external forces and hold its internal structure together. Essentially, permaculture will mimic forest ecosystems that have adapted … Read more

9 Successful Food Forests to Inspire You!

masanobu fukuoka's farm

Food forests incorporate diverse ecosystems that resemble natural forests. They are an alternative to industrial food production techniques through the creation of access to healthy and sustainable nutrition. Food forestry is not very popular among farmers and gardeners, so it might be hard to find so good examples in your … Read more

15 Best Foods to Grow in a Food Forest

Raspberries (Rubus idaeus)

Food forests are designed to mimic natural forests. You can grow different types of crops that mature at different times of the year. It is important to grow crops that mutually benefit from each other in terms of nutrients and pest and weed protection. You can incorporate a food forest … Read more

How to Design Your Backyard Food Forest


Food forests aim to utilize all potential growing space available to a farmer. They incorporate several vertical layers that allow efficient utilization of space. An appropriately designed system will not only produce enough food for yourself but also for your community. When designing a food forest, it is best to … Read more

20 Easy-to-grow Perennial Vegetables and Fruits

Fig tree (Ficus carica)

These 20 perennials are easy to grow and will provide you with food for many years after you plant them: Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Asparagus is a perennial vegetable adapted to USDA zones 3-10. It grows slowly and matures in 3-5 years. Harvesting is done in the spring.  Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) … Read more

Perennial Foods: How to Grow and Maintain Them!

Improved Green Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)

A perennial is a plant that survives the annual four season cycle and produces food year on year. In comparison, annual plants complete their growing cycle in a single season and biennials require two growing seasons to mature before dying out. Perennial foods are hardy plants that will remain in … Read more

9 Best Native Trees for Birds and Wildlife in the UK

Wild Cherry (Prunus avium)

If you want to attract birds to your backyard in the UK, there are different tree species to consider. British native trees are mostly deciduous and lose their leaves in the winter. They are bright and vibrant in the summer and provide fruit that is highly nutritious to the local … Read more

9 Best Native Trees for Birds and Wildlife in Australia

Wattle (Acacia spp.)

Australia is popular for its iconic wildlife. It is home to a variety of trees, shrubs and other native vegetation that are popular with animals. Planting native trees is a good way to ensure that threatened wildlife have a safe habitat and regular source of food.  Plant the following native … Read more