How To Design a Wild Garden That Attracts Wildlife

humming bird feeding on wild flowers

A garden that attracts birds, bees, butterflies and other creatures is a treasure to have. You can attract animals to your garden by providing shelter, habitat, food and water for wildlife, regardless of how big or small your land is. Gardeners have a key role in restoring natural habitats for … Read more

The 12 Principles of Permaculture

12 principles of permacutlure

David Holmgren and Bill Mollisson developed the modern principles of permaculture, to provide more practical solutions for a better world. The 12 principles of permaculture are often used to understand food growing systems and how they can lead us towards more ethical and sustainable livelihoods. The principles are universal but … Read more

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Permaculture

advantages and disadvantages of permaculture

Permaculture aims to make agricultural processes as natural and sustainable as possible. Every product in permaculture should benefit people and the ecosystem, with zero waste. Permaculture has many important advantages but there are still shortcomings related to the practice. Permaculture enables people to create sustainable food sources, build healthier homes … Read more

How to Plant Wildflowers in a Large Field

wildflowers growing

Wildflowers are valuable habitat, nesting sites for birds and provide floral resources for moths, bees and butterflies. You can plant native perennials and grass on a large piece of land and enjoy a succession of flowers and foliage throughout the year. Wildflowers will not require a lot of maintenance once … Read more

9 Potted Plants that Attract Birds to your Yard

Birds love a colorful garden. You may want to bring birds to your lawn, but you have limited space. You can overcome this by using potted plants. Plants grown in containers will offer food and shelter for birds. They are portable and add color to your garden.  Potted plants will … Read more

9 Best Evergreen Ground Cover Plants for Your Garden

Japanese Spurge (Pachysandra terminalis)

Evergreen ground cover plants are low-growing and a good option to fill difficult garden spaces while adding to the beauty of your landscape. There are many choices of groundcover plants, depending on your region and the nature of your landscape. Most groundcover plants will need minimal maintenance, are effective for … Read more

How to Deal with Weeds in Permaculture

dealing with weeds in permaculture

In permaculture, weeds are an essential part of the ecosystem. Instead of digging them out or using herbicides, you should compost them to add value to the soil. Eliminating waste is one of the 12 principles of permaculture. Cut your weeds down to the ground at least once each month, … Read more

How Permaculture Farming Works

What is Permaculture farming? Permaculture is an approach to farming that mimics natural ecosystems to create a sufficient and sustainable farm. Permaculture is inspired by nature, developing farming systems built on crop diversity, sustainability, resilience, and natural productivity.  Permaculture is based on a set of principles applied in fields such … Read more

Your Complete Guide to the Three Sisters Planting Method

three sisters method

What is the Three Sisters method of planting? The Three Sisters is a companion planting method developed by Native American tribes. It involves planting corn, beans and squash together for mutual benefit. Beans are nitrogen-fixing plants, with rhizobia in their roots which take nitrogen from the air and convert it … Read more

What to Plant Together in Permaculture

what to plant together in permaculture

One principle of permaculture is to integrate several species to develop naturally occurring relationships in nature. corn is a common food crop that can be planted close to beans, peas, cucumbers, squash, soybeans and pumpkins, for instance, in the three-sisters method. Corn requires high nitrogen in the soil so it … Read more