4 Ways to Get Rid of Weeds in Asian Jasmine that Work!

Asian jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum) is a popular groundcover alternative to turf grass. It is an excellent option to plant on steep slopes that are difficult to mow or where grass will struggle to grow. Asian jasmine is low-maintenance and fast-growing, making it difficult to control weeds. You can apply different strategies to control weeds around Asian jasmine without affecting your ground cover. 

Pull out weeds

Asiatic jasmine. Trachelospermum asiaticum
Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0

Once Asian jasmine is established, you can pull out tall weeds by hand. You should ensure to pick out the weeds during their early stages of development when they have yet to sprout flowers or begin seeding. It would help if you had a pair of handy garden gloves and hand pruners to aid you with the weeding. 

You should clear the soil of all weeds and their root systems before planting Asian jasmine. It is best to remove perennial weeds with spreading root systems to facilitate ideal growth for jasmine. 

Application of herbicides

You can apply pre-emergent herbicides around your jasmine plants at the beginning of spring. Use glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup that do not affect established Asian jasmine plants. 

Mix the recommended dosage of the herbicide into a spray bottle that will apply the herbicide around the weeds. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the appropriate dosage keenly.

spraying herbicide to control weeds
City of Greenville/Flickr

Focus the spray on the foliage of the weeds. Tie back the vines of jasmine together to separate them from the weeds you intend to eradicate. Once the vines are bound, hold the spray bottle approximately six inches from the tip of the weeds.

Spray several times on each weed, paying attention to the location of the roots of Asian jasmine. It is necessary to avoid spraying the jasmine plants as glyphosate herbicides are non-selective and will kill the plants.

The herbicide solution works within 24-48 hours. Once all weeds are dead, remove them from the garden bed and place them in a compost pit or waste container. 

Best practice for using herbicides on Asian jasmine

If you intend to spray the herbicide before planting Asian jasmine, water the ground to moisten the soil and activate the pre-emergent chemicals. When doing this, you must constantly monitor the area for around six months and uproot any weeds that sprout. Most pre-emergent herbicides only work for weeds that propagate from seed, not roots. 

Do not use herbicides on newly planted Asian jasmine as their stems and roots are yet to establish fully. Mature jasmine plants will be better equipped to tolerate glyphosate herbicide sprays. Further, it would be best if you always focused sprays on the foliage of the weeds to limit the impact on jasmine.


Apply a layer of organic mulch around one inch thick around the jasmine plants. Mulch prevents sunlight and traps moisture in the soil, thus suppressing weed growth.

You may want to replace your mulch cover when the components begin rotting. Asian Jasmine is a low-growing plant; many do not thrive under thick mulch cover. Therefore, you can add the mulch after the shoots are well established. 

What will kill Asian jasmine?

Asian jasmine vines root quickly, and their spread can get out of control easily. You might need to eliminate Asian jasmine from your garden if it grows as a weed. 

Cut the plants 

You can cut back the jasmine plants to ground level using your hands, pruning shears, or a weed whacker. Make sure to dig up its root system with a rake or tiller to prevent jasmine from resprouting.

Cut back jasmine repeatedly for the best results. Keep the root intact when cutting by hand and place the plants in trash bags for disposal. You should let the soil rest for a few weeks after removing Asian jasmine before you plant any new seedlings. 


You can apply a broadleaf liquid herbicide to eliminate aggressive growing jasmine in your lawn. Imazaquin, Network, and Roundup in large concentrations are effective herbicides that will kill jasmine plants.

If you do not want to use chemical herbicides, you can mix a white vinegar solution and spray it on the ground thoroughly to kill Asian jasmine. Note that this will acidify your soil and may affect other plants you wish to grow in the soil.

Should you much Asian jasmine?

Mulching Asian jasmine beds is a good way to control weeds and conserve soil moisture. However, a thick mulch cover will restrict the emergence of stems. Ideally, the mulch layer should be about an inch to create an allowance for the shoots to navigate and reach above the ground. Mulching also increases the nutrient content of the soil and can facilitate the germination of Asian jasmine plants. 


Asian jasmine is a good choice for lush ground cover areas where grass does not grow. You can control weeds around jasmine by uprooting and application of glyphosate herbicides. Take care when applying these herbicides, as they might kill your jasmine plants. Generally, there is no need to kill jasmine vines unless they overcrowd your lawn.